Prioritising personal progression and learner wellbeing

As I am sure you are aware, Future Horizons underwent a New Provider Monitoring Visit from Ofsted in the summer of last year. Since that report was published, we were informed that a further Monitoring Visit would take place to cover the Safeguarding theme.

That inspection took place on 20th January, and I am pleased to inform you that we have received a ‘Reasonable Progress’ grading.

The inspection looked at how much progress leaders and managers had made in ensuring that effective safeguarding arrangements are in place at college. The report states:

‘Since the previous monitoring visit, leaders have made substantial improvements to their safeguarding arrangements. They have appointed an experienced designated safeguarding lead and have increased the rigour of procedures, enhanced staff training and embedded topics relating to safety into the curriculum. Leaders have now established an effective culture of safeguarding.’

The team have worked tirelessly under the guide of Jonny Unwin, our Designated Safeguarding Lead, to ensure that we not only meet the requirements, but go beyond to keep our learners safe.

I would like to express my thanks to everyone involved with Future Horizons for their ongoing support.

A copy of the report can be found here: Ofsted | Future Horizons Leeds Ltd

Best wishes,

Team FHL

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